Debt or investments: Which should I prioritise in a high interest rate environment? - Moneyweb. Om 'n huis te koop en af te betaal is die eerste doelwit, anders moet belasting betaal word op die beleggings inkomste waarmee 'n eiendom gehuur word. Daar is ook geen kapitaal wins belasting op 'n primêre woning nie. Rentekoerse is hoog weens hoë inflasie, wat beteken dat eiendoms pryse meer styg.
"Eskom welcomes NERSA’s granting of the Transmission licence to NTCSA" - Eskom, Twitter. Die publiek moet vir nog 'n bestuur betaal. Eskom se opwek tariewe gaan nie laer aangepas word weens die verskuiwing van die netwerk funksie nie.
Elon Musk met 150M Twitter volgelinge: "They are openly pushing for genocide of white people in South Africa. @CyrilRamaphosa, why do you say nothing?" - Twitter.
"DA leader John Steenhuisen has announced that the party will file charges against EFF leader Julius Malema and the ANC with the United Nations Human Rights Council" - Twitter.
Volgens die Rand wisselkoers en geld toename in die VSA, is die ekonomie nou 45% van wat dit was in 1994 (rooi). Die ANC bewind het die ekonomiese statistiek verander. Die ekonomie is waarskynlik minder as 40%. Volgens Zimbabwe (blou) of Zambië (groen) se ekonomie, in verhouding tot bevolkings grootte, kan dit nog -80% krimp.
Besighede is nie deel van die oplossing nie, hulle is deel van die probleem. Hulle ondersteuning van die ANC se rasse beleid het na blanke emigrasie gelei. Die ekonomie is eweredig aan die blanke bevolking. Die EFF beleid om die blankes uit te wis, wys dat die transformasie na arm Afrika nie gaan ophou nie.
Sondag 30 Julie 2023
Op die internet - Suid Afrika
"Loadshedding will be implemented at Stages 2 and 4 during the week" - Eskom, Twitter.
"Department of defence officials are being probed for allegedly manipulating dozens of lucrative Covid PPE tenders, awarding contracts worth millions to legitimate companies on condition they “ceded” them to middlemen they had chosen." - Twitter. Wie sou kon dink dat voormalige terroriste en geweldadige betogers geld sou verduister.
"Stage 4 loadshedding will continue to be implemented until 05:00 on Saturday, with varying stages of loadshedding implemented until 05:00 on Monday." - Eskom, Twitter.
"Help Reduce Electricity Demand. Colder temperatures are expected this weekend, with the cold front reaching the Gauteng area on Sunday and expected to last until Wednesday. We appeal to consumers to assist in reducing demand by switching off non essential appliances such as geysers, pool pumps and limit the use of electrical appliances during 06:00-09:00 and 17:00-21:00 ." - Eskom, Twitter. Gebruik soveel elektrisiteit as moontlik om die koste per kWh af te bring.
Munisipaliteite vra 'n vaste diens fooi en kapasiteits fooi vir vooraf-betaal elektrisiteit, wat uitwerk op R367.98 per maand vir 'n 40A verbinding, of R531.05 vir 'n 60A verbinding, in die plaaslike DA munispaliteit. Saam met die vooraf-betaal tariewe, kos 'n verbruik van 200kWh/maand R3.98/kWh. 'n Verbruik van 500kWh/maand kos R3.13/kWh. Dit beteken dat 'n mens soveel as moontlik elektrisiteit moet gebruik om die prys per kWh eenheid af te bring. Sonpanele en sonkrag geisers is buite die kwessie.
Die vaste water fooi is R132.48 per maand, en riool behandeling R488.75 per maand. Laasgenoemde gaan op na R624.45 as die erf groter as 1000m2 is. Daar is geen rede om water te spaar nie. Jy het alreeds vir die verwerking van die water betaal.
Kiesers het volgende jaar die geleentheid om die ANC en DA uit te stem op provinsiale en nasionale vlak. Munisipale verkiesings word eers weer in 2026 gehou.
Billions blown as Eskom burns through its emergency-use diesel - Daily Maverick. Die R12.4B is 5.0% van Eskom se inkomste vir die jaar tot Maart 2022. Eskom betaal omtrent R5.67/kWh vir hulle gas turbines teen die Julie diesel prys. Teen die koers, is R12.4B net genoeg vir 2185GWh, wat 1.1% is van Eskom se jaar produksie.
Conditions for R350 grant to be challenged in court - Moneyweb. Mense baklei nou oor die krummels wat oor is van die blanke ekonomie. Hulle sien die ekonomiese verval wat die ANC bewind probeer verdoesel met vals ekonomiese groei statistiek.
Die Rand/$ wisselkoers het 'n kop-en-skouer patroon gemaak, wat dit na R16.40/$ kan neem. Die Rand versterk gewoonlik wanneer mineraal pryse hoog is.
Suid Afrika het duikbote nodig vir wanneer Zimbabwe aanval.
"Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi is looking for 12 000 young people to install free internet and wi-fi in townships, informal settlements and hostels, as well as another 6 000 to become data captures" - Twitter. Alles is gratis. Niemand hoef vir enigiets te betaal nie.
"Eskom takes over non-complying City of Ekurhuleni's loadshedding" - Eskom, Twitter.
"The owner of six units in a sectional title scheme at the Zambezi Retail Park shopping centre in Pretoria has obtained a further high court order instructing the Tshwane Metro to reconnect electricity supply to these units." - Twitter.
"Release the ‘sterile archive of municipal rot’. Sakeliga CEO @pietleroux says high court-backed refusal by Auditor-General to release reports on ‘dysfunctional’ municipalities is inexcusable." - Twitter. Die ANC bewind het onbekwame en/of korrupte amptenare ooral aangestel.
Daar is mense wie onder die waan verkeer dat elektrisiteit opgewek kan word sonder steenkool. As 'n 10kWh/dag sonstelsel R200,000 kos, sou dit R10,000 biljoen kos om al die steenkool kragstasies te vervang met sonkrag. Dit is moontlik oor die 20-30 jaar lewe van die stelsel. Dis nie die probleem nie. Wanneer dit bewolk is, sou daar geen elektrisiteit wees nie. Gas is baie duurder.
Protesters force Nelson Mandela Bay councillors to walk through sewage - Moneyweb. Ironies genoeg was dit Verwoerd wat begin het met die afhanklikheid van staatshulp deur staats huisies te bou. Die ANC probeer om vir almal gratis dienste te gee. Al oplossing is vir mense om te werk vir 'n bestaan.
"Some footage from the #BreeStreet explosion. Team is undergoing investigation." - Twitter.
Lei groeiende elektriese voertuig verkope na 'n laer aanvraag vir platinum? Globale elektriese battery voertuig verkope was 727,000 in Mei wat 11% van die mark was (InsideEVs).
In die eerste kwartaal het wêreld produksie van platinum met -7% na 1614kons gedaal, met Suid Afrika -14% (Platinum Investment). Aanvraag het +28% na 2006kons gestyg, met +9% vir katalisators. Chemiese aanvraag het +108% gegroei, terug na 2019 en 2020 vlakke. Aanvraag vir stawe/munte het +71% gegroei daar is nie lang termyn groei nie. Die analiste wys altyd 'n tekort. Tog word in die aanvraag voorsien, en metaal pryse daal.
Op die internet - Suid Afrika
"Due to further delays in returning generating units to service, as well as the further failure of 5 generating units today, Stage 5 loadshedding will be implemented from 14:00 today until 05:00 on Tuesday. Thereafter, Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented until further notice. Eskom will publish another update should any significant changes occur." - Eskom, Twitter.
"Here's @Eskom_SA's estimate of how much rooftop solar PV has been added (cumulatively) in South Africa" - Twitter. Die 4411MW sonpanele beteken Eskom moet 4411MW ekstra kapasiteit hê vir wanneer die land bewolk is. Die skielike groter las is een rede waarom kragstasies breek.
"A former Sars investigator who was too sick to work, but was later spotted on TV protesting with EFF supporters during the Clicks protests in September 2020, has had his dismissal confirmed by the Labour Court of South Africa." - Twitter. Kakkop Kieswetter gebruik EFF ondersteuners om blanke belastingbetalers te teisters met sinnelose ondersoeke.
Sondag 23 Julie 2023
Op die internet - Suid Afrika
Stage4 loadshedding will be implemented from 14:00 today until 05:00 on Monday. Thereafter, Stage 3 loadshedding will be implemented from 05:00 until 16:00 on Monday" - Eskom, Twitter.
Saterdag 22 Julie 2023
Op die internet - Suid Afrika
"Eskom rolls out microgrid as part of efforts in achieving universal access to electricity using clean and reliable technologies." - Eskom, Twitter. Swartkopdam is so afgeleë dat dit nie op Google Maps is nie. Die koste word verswyg omdat dit belaglik duur is per huishouding, wie nie betaal daarvoor nie.
New Microgrid Model for South African Coal - Microgrid Knowledge: "Eskom has already developed a pilot microgrid project at Wilhelmina Farm, Ficksburg, in the Free State, which supplies some 14 households using 32 kW of solar power and three lithium ion battery units providing a total of 90 kWh of storage". Private maatskappye vra seker R1M vir so 'n stelsel, dus R70,000 per huishouding. Die huisies waarin die arm gemeenskappe bly kos seker minder as die elektrisiteit.
"Due to higher than anticipated demand, Stage 5 loadshedding will be implemented from 16:00 today until midnight. Thereafter, Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented until 05:00 on Sunday" - Eskom, Twitter.
"Due to higher than anticipated demand, Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented from 10:00 this morning until 05:00 on Saturday. Eskom will publish another update should any significant changes occur." - Eskom, Twitter.
Ramaphosa gaan 'n paneel van toordokters saamstel om uit te vind waarom geeste in Johannesburg se middestad uit die grond kom.
Elke dorpie het 'n SASSA (Suid Afrikaanse Maatskaplike Sekerheid Agentskap) bord. Geboue lyk verwaarloos en pad oppervlaktes is in 'n slegte toestand. Al wat oorbly van die ekonomie is ANC toelaes.
Anglo Platinum of Amplats (AMS) produksie: senspdf.
Karooooo (KRO) was Cartrack (CTK), kwartaal resultate: Mei23. Min handel.
Northam Platinum (NPH) (was NHM) aanvaar Implats aanbod vir Royal Bafokeng Platinum: senspdf. Hulle ontvang ~R130.90 per aandeel, en het R180.50 per aandeel betaal daarvoor, minus R10 se dividende ontvang (Miningmx).
Die rentekoers op Suid Afrika se 10 jaar staat effekte (blou) bly bo the nominale inflasie koers volgens die toename in M3 geld voorraad (rooi) sedert 2009. Rentekoerse styg wanneer die aanvraag na krediet die aanbod van spaarders oorskry. Anders moet meer geld geskep word om in die tekort te voorsien, wat inflasie verder opjaag.
Op die internet - Suid Afrika
"The video we've all be waiting for, the moment of the #BreeStreet explosion." - Twitter. Mense spaander asof 'n oorlog begin het.
"Due to the breakdowns of eight generating units on Tuesday evening, Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented from 16:00 today until 05:00 on Thursday. Thereafter, varying stages of loadshedding will be implemented until Saturday evening" - Eskom, Twitter.
"Due to the breakdowns of eight generating units since Tuesday evening, Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented from 16:00 today until 05:00 on Thursday. Thereafter, Stage 3 loadshedding will be implemented from 05:00 until 16:00." - Eskom, Twitter.
"BREAKING: A suspect gas explosion in Bree Street in Johannesburg CBD. One eyewitness has told me she missed it by seconds. She was crossing the street and suddenly heard a huge bang. Some people stuck inside taxis." - Twitter. Die ANC sal eerder 'n nuwe stad bou as om dit reg te maak. Dit gaan biljoene Rande kos vir swart ekonomiese bemagtiging om dit te herstel.
Dinsdag 18 Julie 2023
Aandele - Suid Afrika
Arcelor Mittal SA (ACL) handels verklaring: senspdf.
Coronation Fund Managers (CML) bates onder bestuur: senspdf.
"Randburg substation energised following transformer oil theft" - Eskom, Twitter. Die ANC kamerade steel nou olie.
Standbeelde van die ANC se hoof terroris word ooral opgerig as simbool van vernietig. Die Rand geld eenheid het 22x verswak sedert 1994. Dis net 4.5% werd van die waarde in 1994. As simbool van die vernietiging word Mandela se beeld daarop geplaas.
"I might have asked this before, but who do you believe? China which says SA exports $2-3bn a month to China, or South Africa which says it exports $1bn monthly In 2022, did China run a $11bn trade deficit with SA (China says) or did SA run a deficit with China of $8bn (SA says)" - Twitter.
"I am deeply concerned over ongoing delays in refurbishments at the Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant, which is an essential part of the energy supply mix for the Western Cape." - Twitter. Die DA het geen alternatiewe plan gehad vir die sluiting van die kragstasie na 40 jaar nie, maar is nou bekommerd oor vertragings met die herbouing.
"Eskom announces the departure of Mr Jan Oberholzer" - Eskom, Twitter. Die bekwame blanke personeel het al vir 30 jaar vertrek, en kom nie weer terug onder die ANC bewind nie.
"Loadshedding will be reduced to Stages 1 and 3 from 5:00 on Tuesday, following the return to service of six generating units over the weekend." - Eskom, Twitter.
Mense kla oor die styging in elektrisiteits pryse, maar hou aan om wind en sonkrag te steun wat die tariewe opjaag.
Sondag 16 Julie 2023
Op die internet - Suid Afrika
"Sunday, 16 July 2023. As previously communicated, Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented from 16:00 today until 05:00 on Monday. Thereafter, Stage 2 loadshedding will be implemented from 05:00 until 16:00, followed by Stage 4 loadshedding until 05:00 on Tuesday. This pattern will be repeated daily until further notice. Eskom will publish another update should any significant changes occur." - Eskom, Twitter.
"Sunday, 16 July 2023. Loadshedding was suspended at 01:35 this morning. The pumped storage dam levels have been adequately replenished for the week ahead. Diesel levels at the OCGT power stations have improved but remain low. Therefore, Stage 2 loadshedding will be implemented from 08:00 until 16:00 today, followed by Stage 4 loadshedding until 05:00 on Monday. Eskom will publish an update as soon as any significant changes occur." - Eskom, Twitter.
ANC to engage SA Reserve Bank on rising interest rates - EWN. "The ANC said it has instructed Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana to engage the South African Reserve Bank (Sarb) on how it can manage inflation without raising interest rates." Ha-ha.
"Zimbabwe is experiencing its 3rd period of hyperinflation in 15 years. Since Jan '22, the Zim dollar has depreciated against the USD by ~97%." - Twitter. Die ANC bewind dink ook 'n regering kan geld uitdeel sonder produksie.
"Morning! It's 1c in jhb..the day ahead includes 12 hrs load shedding and our water is still off.. But I'm happy to tell you that our MEC for finance says they got big plans for a state bank and a pharmaceutical plant.. FFS" - Twitter.
"Zimbabwean President #EmmersonMnangagwa signed a law that prohibits citizens from criticising the government, a month before Zimbabwe holds elections." - Twitter. Noudat dat hulle vry is van onderdrukking deur blanke koloniste stel die wêreld nie meer belang nie.
Kameraad Zuma is in Rusland vir nuwe breinspoeling. Hy weet nie meer of apartheid en kommunisme goed of sleg is nie. Intussen het die ANC eerlike, wetsgehoorsame elemente in the party ontbloot. Dissiplinêre stappe word geneem om dit uit te roei voor dit versprei.
Donderdag 13 Julie 2023
Op die internet - Suid Afrika
"Stage 6 loadshedding will continue to be implemented over the weekend, in order to replenish emergency reserves and set a possible path for the reduction in stages of loadshedding in the coming week." - Eskom, Twitter.
"Major fault at the Hopefield Substation affects electricity supply to customers in Hopefield and surrounding farm areas" - Eskom, Twitter. Toerusting word ooral beskadig deur beurtkrag. 'n Elektrisitieits netwerk kan nie die hele tyd aan en afgeskakel word nie.
"South Africa’s government is stepping up its support for some of the country’s biggest companies to help them hunt for business in Africa and protect them against extortion." - Twitter. Swart ekonomiese bemagtiging en regstellende aksie is afpersing.
"The captured and toothless Concourt has ruled in favour of the corrupt new AARTO points system." - Twitter.
Van 12 Jan 2018: The ANC has no room for corrupt leaders: Ramaphosa - SABCNews: "African National Congress (ANC) president Cyril Ramaphosa says the ANC has no room for corrupt leaders and those who are involved in corrupt activities must be dealt with."
Alle verklarings deur die ANC bewind is die teenoorgestelde van die waarheid. Dus: vertoning van kabinet ministers oor die volgende ses maande is van geen belang nie. Die vragmotor brandstigters is onbekend, en niemand sal vervolg word nie. Korrupte mense is welkom in die ANC.
Woensdag 12 Julie 2023
Aandele - Suid Afrika
Accelerate Property Fund (APF) handels verklaring: senspdf. Gewoonlik lae handel.
Bell Equipment (BEL) handels verklaring: senspdf. Gewoonlik min handel.
"Wednesday, 12 July 2023: Due to the loss of additional generating units overnight, the extensive use of Open Gas Cycle Turbines and the inability to replenish pumped storage dam levels, Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented at 07:00 this morning until 14:00. Thereafter, Stage 6 loadshedding will be implemented from 14:00 today until 05:00 on Thursday. This pattern will be repeated daily until further notice. Eskom will publish an update as soon as any significant changes occur." - Eskom, Twitter.
"Deputy President Mashatile lives in a sprawling mansion bought for R37 million – but he didn’t pay for it. The house is registered in the name of a company whose sole directors are his son and son-in-law. And his son-in-law does business with the state." - Twitter.
Dinsdag 11 Julie 2023
Op die internet - Suid Afrika
"Stage 4 loadshedding will continue to be implemented from 14:00 today until 05:00 on Wednesday. Thereafter, Stage 3 and 4 loadshedding will be implemented until further notice." - Eskom, Twitter.
"Former statistician general Dr Pali Lehohla said South Africa’s government is losing control of crime in the country." - Twitter. Die ANC bewind het nog nooit probeer om misdaad te beheer nie. Huisbrake is al vir dekades buite beheer. Dis waarom eiendomme beskerm word soos tronke.
M3 geld voorraad jaar groei van Feb na Mei: 10.81% 8.90% 10.14% 10.30%. Dis die nominale inflasie koers. Elke 7 jaar is geld 50% minder werd.
Suid Afrika se regerings skuld het van 50% van die geld in omloop in 1991 na 94% in 1995 gestyg (blou). 'n Vermindering van die regerings skuld het 'n ekonomiese verswakking van omtrent -43% meegebring (rooi). Die waarde van die skuld was verminder deur 8.2x meer geld te druk van 1995 tot 2008. Die regerings skuld het nou weer na 101% van die geld in omloop gestyg (blou). Om die skuld te verminder gaan 'n verdere groot ekonomiese verswakking veroorsaak.
Maandag 10 Julie 2023
Op die internet - Suid Afrika
"Stage 4 loadshedding will continue to be implemented until 05:00 on Tuesday, as previously communicated. Thereafter, Stage 2 and 4 loadshedding will be implemented until further notice." - Eskom, Twitter.
"Due to high demand and slight reduction in generation capacity, Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented at 13:00 today until 05:00 on Tuesday." - Eskom, Twitter.
"When debt servicing costs are excluded, around 60% of government’s budget is spent on the social wage. That is money spent on alleviating poverty and meeting people’s developmental needs." - Twitter. Die werklike syfer is 71.4%. Met die skuld betalings is dit 86.6%. Dit verhoog armoede omdat die geld uit die ekonomie onttrek word wat werk verminder, produksie verlaag, en inflasie opjaag.
"The NHI will be unmitigated disaster … the new medical school in Gqeberha … told that there is no minimum pass mark in a particular subject ( may apply to all the subjects) , for the 3rd year entry level students. In other words they can get 10% and pass. It’s political." - Twitter. Germany wants SA-trained nurses to fill ‘500,000 vacancies’ - Business Day.
Sondag 9 Julie 2023
Op die internet - Suid Afrika
"Sunday, 09 July 2023: Due to consistent available generation capacity, loadshedding will continue to be suspended from midnight until 16:00 and Stage 3 loadshedding will remain in force from 16:00 today until midnight. This pattern will be repeated daily until further notice.
Eskom will publish another update should any significant changes occur." - Eskom, Twitter.
Suid Afrika se binnelandse en buitelandse skuld het na 113% van die ekonomiese uitset gestyg onder Zuma/Ramaphosa sedert 2009, om stemme te koop terwyl hulle die blanke ekonomie vernietig. Voor 1994 was dit minder as 33%.
Vrydag 7 Julie 2023
Aandele - Suid Afrika
AngloGold Ashanti (ANG) nuwe beheer maatskappy met primêre notering in New York: senspdf.
Op die internet - Suid Afrika
"The DA says the recent announcement by the KZN MEC for public works to meet with the construction mafia equates to negotiating with terrorists." - Twitter. Dis ANC kamerade.
Game verkoop 2L Sunfoil sonneblom olie teen 'n spesiale prys van R59.99. Checkers se 2L sonneblom olie is R79.99 op die internet. Dit was R48.99 op die internet in April 2020. 'n Maand voor dit was dit te koop teen R38 in die winkel. In 2018 was 'n ander handelsmerk R29. Die winskoop prys is 2x hoër as 5 jaar gelede, wat 15% per jaar is.
Donderdag 6 Julie 2023
Op die internet - Suid Afrika
"Varying stages of loadshedding will be implemented from Friday until Monday morning" - Eskom, Twitter.
"The City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality has failed to follow a high court order instructing it to reconnect the electricity supply to six units in a sectional title scheme at the Zambezi Retail Park shopping centre in Pretoria" - Twitter.
"On Wednesday and Thursday, Stage 1 loadshedding will be implemented from 05:00 until 16:00. Stage 3 loadshedding will continue to be implemented from 16:00 until midnight" - Eskom, Twitter.
"The cover-up method followed by Saphra, namely a first phase aimed at seemingly benign BEE reporting to pave the way for a second phase requiring BEE compliance, is part of a pattern that manifests itself in more or less explicit terms with other regulators. We see similar efforts in the financial services industry, the real estate industry, in decisions of the competition commission, the telecommunications industry, the agricultural industry on issues such as water, and more." - Twitter.
Ramavoos sê hy was verras en geskok deur die aanranding op 'n motoris deur die adjunk-president se polisie beskermings eenheid. 'n Nuwe waarheids en versoenings kommissie gaan opgestel word.
"We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties with our Twitter account. As such, company announcements are paused. We apologize for the inconvenience & will notify you once service is restored. In the interim visit our website to view all SENS." - senspdf.
"Sunday, 02 July 2023: Due to consistent available generation capacity, loadshedding will continue to be suspended from midnight until 16:00 and Stage 3 loadshedding will remain in force from 16:00 until midnight. This pattern will be repeated daily until further notice. Eskom will publish another update should any significant changes occur." - Eskom, Twitter.
"The Public Protector’s report clearing Ramaphosa of wrongdoing has outraged several parties." - Twitter.
Ontkenning: Geen verantwoording word vir verkeerde inligting aanvaar nie. Die inhoud moet nie as finansieële raad beskou word nie. Web blad besoekers moet hulle eie finansieële deskundige raadpleeg voor hulle op die inligting reageer.