Friday 30 Sep 2022
Is buying a house actually cheap? 'Real' mortgage rates have never been lower - Kotlikoff (Pt. 1/2) - Youtube.
Swiss court finds in favor of Lindt and orders Lidl to destroy its chocolate bunnies - CNN.
"Imagine owning an electric car right now in Florida" - Twitter.
Russia-Ukraine updates: Kremlin says recognizes Kherson, Zaporizhzhia - DW. The same Russia that supplied South Africa's ANC with weapons so they could terrorize the population in their fight against apartheid, now supports apartheid.
From 21 Feb 2022: Russia recognizes independence of Ukraine separatist regions (Donetsk and Luhansk) - DW.
Thursday 29 Sep 2022
Would YOU buy this CHATEAU in the Dordogne? | FULL TOUR - Youtube.
Peaks in Housing Construction as a Recession Signal - St Louis Federal Reserve Bank.
Quote of the day: Putin: "Why would I blow up my own pipes? I could simply shut them off " I am not against the citizens of Europe, it's your leaders who are against the citizens of Europe." - Twitter.
List of Florida hurricanes - Wikipedia.
It Just Happened Again at the Bank - Youtube.
"Cybertruck will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat, so it can cross rivers, lakes & even seas that aren’t too choppy" - Twitter. It is very dangerous to be trapped in a vehicle that sinks.
From 22 Sep 2022: Spain plans temporary wealth tax amid high inflation - DW. They want to tax the people who are the most mobile, and able to relocate.
From 22 Sep 2022: Spain's Andalucía abolishes wealth tax with immediate effect - Step.
Victor Borge & The Opera Singer - Youtube.
Wednesday 28 Sep 2022
"(1/8) One guy’s experiment drove Peru to become the world’s #1 blueberry exporter and #2 overall producer" - Twitter.
Hurricane Ian Updates - 24/7 Live Coverage of Hurricane Ian by FOX Weather - Youtube. The ability of the tall palm trees to withstand the wind is impressive. The torque (height x force) that tries to pull the roots out of the ground is enormous.
Bank of England will buy UK bonds at ‘whatever scale’ necessary to halt crash - CNN. To lend out money the Bank of England is effectively creating new money. The government may as well print money to pay off the debt. Both create inflation.
FRED has a chart of the Market Value of Marketable Treasury Debt (blue), which is less than Federal debt (red). Description: "For many uses, market value more accurately represents the debt burden faced by the U.S. government than the par value. The par value of government debt, which is reported by the U.S. Treasury Department, reflects interest rates at the time the debt was issued while the market value is adjusted to reflect market interest rates as of the observed period. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas researchers calculates the market value of U.S. government debt series."
Tuesday 27 Sep 2022
Drinking Several Cups of Coffee a Day May Be Linked to Longer Lifespan in Study - Bloomberg.
Monday 26 Sep 2022
The response from the leftist media to the election results in Italy is just precious:
Giorgia Meloni claims victory to become Italy's most far-right prime minister since Mussolini - CNN.
Giorgia Meloni: Italy's far right on course to win election - BBC. "Ms Meloni is widely expected to form Italy's most right-wing government since World War Two."
Giorgia Meloni’s Hard-Right Party Leads in Italy’s Voting - NT Yimes. "The victory, in an election with lower turnout than usual, comes as formerly taboo and marginalized parties with Nazi or fascist heritages are entering the mainstream — and winning elections — across Europe."
"In 1999 the #British Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown sold almost all of Great Britain's #gold at an average price of about 160 pounds per once. Tonight the price of gold hit a new record high of about 1,580 pounds. That's almost a 10-fold increase. What an epic fail." - Twitter.
"Tax cuts alone won't increase supply. Govt. must also cut spending. That's because Govt. spending is taxation, and must be paid for. Cutting taxes just means Govt. must borrow more or print more. So whatever tax cuts add to the private sector, Govt. debt or #inflation removes." - Twitter.
The sudden decline in the UK pound (blue) is not supported by the growth in money supply compared to US total debt (red). The market is expecting more pound printing to pay for government spending.
What percentage of Italy's government spending is borrowed money? It is difficult to find data on the internet. Government expenditure to GDP is low at 19.8% in 2021: World Bank. According to the FRED chart below, the annual increase in debt (blue) is small compared to expenditure (red). Over the last year the increase in debt was around €80B.
Italy's debt to GDP was at 151% in 2021. It shot up in 2020 to the highest level ever or since 1988. Trading Economics. So, the government is gradually increasing debt, and the debt level is very high for no good reason.
Sunday 25 Sep 2022
"COPPER. I live near one of the largest copper mines on earth. I helped manage a smaller copper mine for 8 years. Observation: VRE-battery supporters are completely out of touch with the costs and fossil fuel / environmental impacts associated with copper mining & production." - Twitter.
How much copper has been found in the world? - USGS: "... there are roughly 6.3 billion metric tons of copper on Earth". At an annual consumption of 24 million tons, it would last 260 years. The ore grade would decline.
This guy is using AI to make a movie — and you can help decide what happens next - CNN.
US rise in mortgage delinquencies (blue) in 2009-2014 was apparently not caused by a rise in mortgage interest rates (red):
Saturday 24 Sep 2022
"The most recent robotic apple harvester can pick ~30 apples in one minute" - Twitter.
"Fossil fuel share of total energy supply in 1973 was 87%! After spending trillions of dollars to reduce dependence on fossil fuels over 50 years (+ technology, media campaigns, books, articles, lectures, TV programs..etc) global dependence on fossil fuels in 2022 is about 82%" - Twitter.
"Germany spent over 200 billion euros on renewable energy projects in the last decade. Their dependency on oil barely dropped. Their dependency on gas went up. Their dependency on coal is still very significant, and is now rising while wind power generation is dropping." - Twitter.
Weird Alibaba: Anyone want a $2,000 school bus-shaped electric food truck from China? - Electrek.
The ratio of Euro Zone M3 money supply to US total debt (blue) has remained the same over two decades. Two developed regions going nowhere. The €/$ exchange rate (red) has been very volatile, but should also have stayed the same.
Friday 23 Sep 2022
The S&P 500 is close to the making a lower low, since 16 June.
"Consequences of a positive PCR test at a Chinese airport" - Twitter. Puts the lunacy of your own government into perspective.
This $5 Billion Dubai Moon Hotel Will Simulate An Outer Space Experience On Earth - Zero Hedge.
"India will expand its coal power capacity by 25% (!!) through 2030 to meet surging demand. Without a big drop in power storage costs, India will add ~56GW of coal plants, said its power minister" - Twitter.
How high must interest rates go before it becomes more attractive for companies to pay off debt rather than buy back shares? Below is US corporate debt as percentage of equity value.
Thursday 22 Sep 2022
"Europe's fertilizer production shutdowns, in one map " - Twitter.
"NEW - Florida Gov. DeSantis: "I reject socialism outright. I reject Marxism, Leninism, communism, any of these -isms that have come out of a political theory that denies the worth of each and every individual." - Twitter.
"Finished designing, building and assembling most components: Turns out my table can actually WALK as well as I hoped it would! Next steps: Implement remote control, connect a battery, and open up the throttle..." - Twitter. A house full of furniture that moves around by themself would make a good horrow show.
"Well, well. If it isn’t the last three German reactors producing more power than 60+GW of installed capacity in wind. Today. But hey! Maybe if we overbuild some more it will all work out..." - Twitter.
US mortgage debt is small compared to the value of all housing, but new houses (blue) are probably financed with some mortage debt as indicated by the percentage increase in total mortgage debt (red):
Wednesday 21 Sep 2022
"Webb’s latest image is the clearest look at Neptune's rings in 30+ years, and our first time seeing them in infrared light. Take in Webb's ghostly, ethereal views of the planet and its dust bands, rings and moons: " - Twitter.
From 12 Jul 2022: Bye bye grass: Nevada law requires removal of decorative grass in Las Vegas area - USA Today. From 30 Jun 2021: Where in Europe are campaigners trying to ban plastic grass? - Euronews. This is sufficient grounds for a war.
"Google search activity for "Aviasales" surged in Russia after Putin ordered a "partial mobilization" (300,000 reservists). Aviasales is Russia's website for purchasing flights. One-way flights out of Russia are selling out." - Twitter.
US Federal goverment interest payments as a percentage of Current Expenditure was 10.2% in Q2:
Tuesday 20 Sep 2022
"Ford warns of a $1B profit hit due to higher parts costs. $F now sees Q3 profits of $1.4-$1.7B, well below estimates for $3B.
As of May, material costs for an EV were $8,255, up 144% from $3,381 in 2020, led by lithium, steel and nickel." - Twitter.
"Shedding equities: thru end of July, using 12-month sum, foreigners sold most U.S. equities on record @biancoresearch" - Twitter.
The US$ gold price declines when the dollar strengthens because most gold mining is outside the US. In foreign currencies it is still trending up.
From 1 Feb: Total value of U.S. housing doubled in the last 10 years - Seattle Magazine. "The total value of the U.S. housing market has doubled in the last decade and is now worth $43.4 trillion, according to a Zillow analysis." If total mortgage debt is $12,181B, then it is 28% of total housing value. If debt was the same 10 years ago, it would have been 56% of housing values. Debt is being written off by inflation.
US total mortgage debt at $12.2 trillion (red) has not increased much for a decade, whilst total value of housing at $75.2 trillion (blue) has increased. The latter is Housing Inventory Estimate: Total Housing Units in the United States x Average Sales Price of Houses Sold. A lot of wealth is being created without production, which must lead to inflation in the future.
German Producer Price Index (blue) has increased. The Euro Zone has created an enormous amount of money (red) since 1995, with little inflation. That is hard to believe. Money increased 5.58% per year, and PPI only 1.56% per year. If real economic growth was 4% per year, then today's generation should have 3.2x more houses, cars, holidays, etc than their parents 30 years ago. If people saved the extra money, then the inflation will appear when they try to spend it.
Monday 19 Sep 2022
"Analysts are projecting these 10 tech stocks to grow revenue at the highest growth rates over the next 2 years" - Twitter.
Money Flooding Into US From Overseas - Yardeni.
"Which country produces the essential metals for clean energy?" - Twitter.
"HANKE’S BELIEVE IT OR NOT! John Kerry went to Africa to lecture African leaders on reducing emissions. Sub-Saharan Africa only emits 0.55% of harmful global emissions, while the US emits 30% of the World’s total. Kerry should stay home & stop emitting gas." - Twitter.
Mercedes-Benz unveils its longest-range electric truck yet: eActros LongHaul - Electrek.
Bitcoin at $18,696 has reached a precarious level below a support line. A currency that is meant to be used as medium of exchange needs to be stable. It should not increase in value, otherwise people will hold on to it, instead of using it as medium of exchange.
"This is not a time-lapse video. Amazing footage of a river of lava moving at an incredible speed captured by photographer Ken Boyer." - Twitter.
Sunday 18 Sep 2022
"World population has more than tripled since 1950. Energy consumption has increased at more than twice that rate (6.4x). This fact is absent from discussions of climate change & continued economic growth" - Twitter. The US has cheap gas, and wants to force other countries that only have coal as cheap source of energy to stop using it. US president Biden effectively wants take electricity away from poor people in Africa, India and China.
Climate czar John Kerry warns Africa not to rely on natural gas to bring power to millions - Fox News. The white supremacist has appointed himself ruler over primitive black people.
US mortgage rates have increased, but the total cost of the mortgages (blue) is small compared to total personal disposable income (red). Disposable income was $18,665B in July. Mortgage debt of $12,181B in Q2 x 30 year mortage interest rate of 6.02% on 15 Sep = $733.3B, or 3.9% of disposable income.
Saturday 17 Sep 2022
"Avg power demand is China is now equal to all of US and Europe combined" - Twitter.
Switzerland's economic output relative to the amount of money in circulation (velocity of money supply) declined slowly until 2009, and then dropped to just 16.7% now. The usual reason for a decline is more money being created without a matching increase in economic output. More people received benefits for which they did not have to work, like asset values appreciating. Lower output leads to a lower standard of living.
Friday 16 Sep 2022
An Indian tycoon just ousted Jeff Bezos as world’s second-richest person - CNN.
Bed Bath & Beyond is closing more than 50 stores. Here’s where they are - CNN.
China Just Destroyed the American Car Industry - Youtube.
"A Sewing Lesson" - Twitter.
Elon Musk Gives Jay Leno A Tour of SpaceX | CNBC Prime - Youtube.
"NEW - Companies declared insolvent in England and Wales jumped by 42% in August compared to last year, according to government data — Guardian" - Twitter.
Some people are already seeing visions of a stock market bottom, because inflation has peaked. In 2021 the US stock market (blue) reached 50% of US total debt (green). The previous time it happened was the 2000 Dot-com bubble. Then the stock market (blue) fell below Gross Domestic Product (red). An equivalent fall would be a further -50% fall from the present level.
In the UK the stock market (blue) followed M3 money supply (red) until 2000, and since then the stock market has stagnated. UK government debt to GDP increased from 33.9% in 2001 to 95.3% in 2021.
The German stock market (blue) has stayed near Eurozone money supply (red) since 1980:
Thursday 15 Sep 2022
Can we live longer? Physicist makes discovery about telomeres -
2 migrant buses arrive outside Vice President Kamala Harris' Naval Observatory residence in DC - Fox News.
Drought Takes a Toll on Farmers and Ranchers Across the Country - Modern Farmer.
$1000 of AKG Could Have 8 Years of Antiaging Benefits - Next Big Future.
Wednesday 14 Sep 2022
Ron DeSantis sends two planes of illegal immigrants to Martha's Vineyard - Fox News.
Google loses challenge against EU antitrust decision, other probes loom - Reuters.
"JUST IN - Swedish people have voted for a change of power: Right-wing bloc is moving towards electoral victory with most votes counted" - Twitter.
California Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Amazon - NY Times.
China moves to shut out foreign medical equipment makers - Nikkei Asia.
Tuesday 13 Sep 2022
Going green could save world "trillions" - study - MSN. These predictions by an economics professor appear to be absent of any technical reality (Youtube).
"Our analysis found the true cost of serving load with wind and solar were $272/mwh and $472/mwh when "load balancing," ie storage costs, and overbuilding and curtailment costs are factored in. Wind and solar are much more costly than the power plants they replace." - Twitter.
"A new poll by @CatoInstitute shows that 79% of Americans find it "unreasonable" for banks to share their private transaction data with the U.S. government. Americans are rightfully sick and tired of the government poking its nose into their private affairs." - Twitter.
"10 years ago today, the Fed announced QE 3 & promises to indefinitely purchase $40-billion of MBS & bonds. In DEC, the monthly purchases increased to $85-billion. Whatever your view of QE, QE3 was criminally irresponsible & the Fed will never escape the hole it dug for itself." - Twitter. Government can just create the money to get it off the Federal Reserve Bank balance sheet.
UPDATE 1-Germany will trigger a hydrogen industry boom - Chancellor Scholz - Reuters. Another Hindenburg.
US home rental relative to house price (blue) should go up and down with interest rates, in this case mortgage rates (red), but it does not.
Monday 12 Sep 2022
"The #Covid lockdown related supply shortages didn't cause the #inflation problem. Neither did #Russian sanctions nor the #Ukraine war. These where just catalysts. The problem originated years ago when the #Fed introduced QE and ZIRP enabling excess #government spending and #debt." - Twitter.
US economic output (Gross Domestic Product) relative to total debt (blue) declined slowly until Peter Volcker increased interest rates (red) to high levels in the early 1980s, and then it happened. The economic output to debt ratio (blue) fell at a high rate until 2009. Whenever a gap opened between interest rates (red) and debt growth (green), debt grew faster than the economy, causing the ratio (blue) to fall faster. When interest rates (red) are too low, more money (green) must be created to satisfy the demand for credit. When extra money is added to an economy, it usually only creates inflation, and little real economic growth.
After 2009 interest rates went down to zero, and money creation slowed down to 2 to 5% until the big increased in 2020. Economic output to debt (blue) will probably continue to decline.
When interest rates are too low, it is attractive to invest debt into unproductive assets (housing) if the asset appreciates faster than the cost of the debt.
Sunday 11 Sep 2022
Canada's house prices (blue) have shot up vertically by the first quarter. Relative to M3 money supply (red) as nominal inflation indicator it has moved sideways for a few decades. People are paying the high prices because they realize the government has destroyed the value of money, and they will not be able to withdraw money to deflate prices much.
Saturday 10 Sep 2022
"JUST IN - Putin congratulates King Charles III: Kremlin" - Twitter. Putin should declare himself king, and the Ukraine a colony.
A small country like South Africa, that were on the receiving end of Western sanctions, can watch with amusement the attempts to impose sanctions on big countries like Russia and China. The US restricted semiconductors, South Africans were not welcome in the UK, and could not fly directly to Australia. South Africa should have limited the gold output decades ago.
Friday 9 Sep 2022
"Ooops… this interview definitely didn’t go as planned… The climate cultists are going to hate this…." - Twitter.
10 Best Dividend Stocks with Over 8% Yield You Can Buy in September - Yahoo Finance.
"Why don't you solve the problem instead of throwing government money at it? If the IRS came to me and showed me a report that was true, maybe I'd look into it," says
@SenRickScott on tax evasion. "That's the problem with the government, they just want to spend more money." - Twitter. Income tax only works when a minority group is targeted. Taxing everybody would get government voted out. Actually most taxes are passed on as higher product prices, so the voters do not release who is responsible.
Market Cap to GDP: August Buffett Valuation Indicator - Advisor Perspective.
Morgan Stanley expects the S&P 500 to plunge another 15%-25% within the next four months — use these 3 top recession-resistant stocks for protection - Yahoo Finance.
House prices rise due to the devaluation of the currency. So a rise in US house prices (blue up) should coincide with a weaker dollar (red down).
Thursday 8 Sep 2022
"The baltic dry index, which measures the cost of shipping around the world, recently touched the lowest level since June 2020" - Twitter.
Cancers in Adults Under 50 Have Increased Dramatically Around The Globe - Science Alert.
The clean hydrogen energy economy was a dream. The climate bill could make it a reality this decade - CNBC. "A tax credit tucked into the Inflation Reduction Act gives the maximum tax credit, $3 per kilogram, to hydrogen produced with renewable energy and nuclear energy, and could make clean hydrogen cost-competitive." Hydrogen sells for about $16 per kilogram. A Toyota Mirai runs 400 miles on a 5.6kg tank? Thus it costs $16 x 5.6kg = $89.6 per tank, and $0.224/mile. The average fuel cost for a gasoline car is $0.16/mile.
Government forces taxpayers to pay for technology that the private sector realized is unpractical. A fuel cell is 40% to 60% efficient. Electrolysis is 70% to 80% efficient. Thus to convert electricity to hydrogen, back to electricity returns 28% to 48% of the original energy. A battery returns almost all the energy. Fuel cells are expensive, similar to the battery of an electric vehicle.
"#ECB hikes interest rates by record 75 basis points as expected. Raises Main Refinancing rate by 75bps to 1.25%, raises deposit rate by 75bps to 0.75%. Expects to raise rates further over next meetings. No QT announced: PEPP reinvestments to run until at least end of 2024" - Twitter.
"New British PM freezes energy bills for two years" - Twitter. There is no free lunch. People will pay for it through taxes and money printing = higher prices on other products. Instead of allowing the free market to work, by limiting demand, people will be forced to cut back on other expenses.
"The #ECB does not expect the Eurozone to go into #recession" - Twitter. That is because government makes up an inflation rate that is below nominal economic growth.
After governments piled up enormous debt to GDP ratios, something was bound to happen to worsen the situation. As stated by Murphy's Law: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". Covid hit, and governments made the debt problem even bigger, instead of realizing the error of their ways. Now it is followed by the energy crisis to exacerbate the consequences of the bad policies.
During Paul Volcker's term as Federal Reserve chair from 1979 to 1987 the Federal Funds Effective Rate (red) went as high as 19.1%. Before that, total US debt growth (blue) reached a peak of 14.6%, and afterwards a peak of 16.5%. To bring inflation down, the debt growth (blue) will need to decline. The effect of recent higher interest rates (red) on debt growth (blue) remains to be seen.
Paul Volcker kept interest payments (debt x interest rate) at the fairly constant level from 1979 to 1987 (below). It is the wild swings of interest payments that lead to boom and bust cycles. When interest rates are very low, people borrow too much. That is followed by a big increase in interest payments, causing a recession. Higher interest payments require that debt be invested into more productive assets.
Wednesday 7 Sep 2022
Consumer Staples vs. Discretionary - RIA.
"Just experienced my first rolling blackout not caused by alcohol." - Twitter.
'NOW - EU will propose a "mandatory target for reducing electricity use at peak hours" in order to "flatten the curve." ' - Twitter.
"In Switzerland a new law would mean that people who heat their homes over 19C with gas during a shortage could face up to 3 years in jail." - Twitter.
"The cost of going #green too quickly without a transition plan." (Power prices in Southern California) - Twitter.
"Toilet paper is getting more and more expensive. It turns out hoarding rolls during the pandemic was a smart financial move, says @JavierBlas" - Twitter.
Don Adams stand-up comic (1957) - Youtube.
Tuesday 6 Sep 2022
Tesla Full Self-Driving Price Officially Increased To $15,000 - Inside EVs. By "self-driving" they mean you have to drive the car yourself. Rimshot.
How far back does an energy crisis like that in Europe take a civilization? The European union per capita electricity used rose 5.1x from 1960 to 2008. Sweden's energy use increased 3.9x from 1960 to 1987, and then slowly declined: Worldbank. The primary energy used increased from 1000Mtoe in 1965 to1840Mtoe 2006, and declined to 2019 (Degruyter).
Buildings: Energy consumption per capita changed little from 1990 to 2014 despite all the energy efficiency regulations: Reasearch Gate.
Monday 5 Sep 2022
"Overnight risk is rewarded over the long-term. The "buy the close, sell the open" strategy is now up nearly 1100% since 1993, while the "buy the open, sell the close" strategy is still negative." - Twitter.
"The world’s second-largest steelmaker, ArcelorMittal, is the latest industrial company to announce a plant closure in Europe due to soaring gas and energy prices " - Twitter.
Russia Won’t Restart Nord Stream Pipeline Until Sanctions Are Lifted - Oil Price.
The ‘illusion’ of green energy has come ‘crumbling’ down in Europe - Youtube.
Sunday 4 Sep 2022
"Did the Pandemic destroy Small Businesses in America?" - Twitter.
'China… a drone with a loudspeaker and camera pointed at you appears: ''This community is in total lockdown now! Stay in your room! ''… If you need a visualization of Orwell’s 1984, this is probably as close as you can get…' - Twitter.
'JUST IN - Germany's ruling coalition has agreed to spend €65 billion on a new "inflation relief" package.' - Twitter.
Saturday 3 Sep 2022
New Zealand paper mill workers locked out for nearly a month - WSWS. "The workers, who make Purex toilet paper and similar products, rejected an offer of just 3 percent per year, for the next three years, plus a lump sum of $4,500. With annual inflation currently at 7.3 percent, which constitutes a significant pay cut." Not the toilet paper.
Friday 2 Sep 2022
"CNN vs. CNN" - Twitter.
Russia cuts off gas exports to Europe via Nord Stream indefinitely - CNN.
"Last year I spent £129,000 on #energy I received this quote yesterday for £782,011" - Twitter.
"According to Milton Friedman, "There is only one way to stop inflation: by having the government create less money and spend less money.” Unfortunately, no one in Washington, D.C. learned Friedman’s lesson. Now Americans are paying the price. Take a listen:" - Twitter.
Bob Anderson "The worlds greatest singing impressionist." - Youtube.
When companies release fantastic profit margins (blue), is that the last time before the economy declines? Or when consumers continue with the same spending (red) habits despite higher prices, before reality sets in?
Thursday 1 Sep 2022
"Bottoms in precious metals can take an awfully long time to form. We're well below the 2008 peak." - Twitter.
Italy readies new anti-inflation package as businesses sound the alarm - Reuters. "The measures are likely to be worth at least 10 billion euros ($10.01 billion), a government source said. They come on top of some 52 billion euros already budgeted this year to soften the impact of sky-high electricity, gas and petrol costs." The budget deficit for 2021 was €127.4B (Trading Economics) and spending €325B (Trading Economics).
"From today, Germany begin a 6-month enforcement of lights out and heating restrictions to conserve energy. Public buildings, advertising hoardings, illuminations, shops, train stations and swimming pools are all affected." - Twitter.
"Breaking news! It was rumored that AMD and Nvidia is ordered by US government to STOP shipment of their HPC/AI products to ALL of CHINA, not some particular companies on entity list. Nvidia's latest SEC filling just confirmed that." - Twitter. China will likely develop their own products, and eventually take over the market.
ARM sues Qualcomm, alleging its subsidiary breached a licensing agreement - Engadget.
A stronger US dollar (red) often corresponds with a weaker stock market (blue). It doesn't appear to make much sense. It might be higher interest rates that strengthen the dollar and cause the stock market to fall, or investments being pulled out of the rest of the world. Foreign earnings also decline when the dollar strengthens.
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